Correctly grouped beams with dotted notes

• May 29, 2021 - 14:59

Hi there!
Recently I've been stumbling over the problem that any dotted note (within a bar) is always displayed as a plain dotted note, regardless of where it starts. For example, in a bar of 4/4, a dotted quarter note is being displayed as a dotted quarter note, even when it starts on beat 2+. Imo it should automatically set this to an eighth note and a quarter note, connected by a slur, otherwise the correct division of a 4/4 (which by default is 4 consecutive quarters) is being impared.
The same occurs with shorter notes, and that's where the real issue starts. As seen in the example below, several consecutive dottet eighth notes are grouped weirdly on one beam, until they hit beat 4. This is extremely difficult to read and very uncommon. Is there a way to tell musescore to divide those groupings of dotted eighth notes according to the groupings of regular eighth and sixteenth notes set via the time signature?


Well, if you ask MuseScore to enter notes grouped in unconventional ways it will comply as perhaps that is what you want. If you want them grouped conventionally then enter them that way.

However, conventional grouping can be achieved from unconventional grouping using [Tools]>[Regroup Rhythms].

In reply to by SteveBlower

Hmm. I specifically don't want unconventional groupings. The conventional way to group dotted notes is to split them, if they cross a downbeat in a bar. This is not happening when I write a dotted note in musescore. The only way to do this (to my knowledge) is to manually write an eight note, then a sixteenth note and then slur them (although the playback will still play two separate notes).
My intention is to avoid manually splitting dotted notes every time I write them, and to tell musescore "please split notes that cross a downbeat the same way you split notes that cross a bar line". Does that make any sense lmao?

In reply to by just._.julius

"The only way to do this (to my knowledge) is to manually write an eight note, then a sixteenth note and then slur them (although the playback will still play two separate notes)."

Well you are definitely doing that wrong then. Ties are not the same as slurs and MuseScore treats them differently. To enter a sixteenth tied to an eighth enter the eighth, press 3 to select sixteenth duration and press "+" to add the sixteenth with a tie. That tied note will not then play with separate articulation but will just extend the duration of the "tied from" note.

and compare with

In reply to by just._.julius

MuseScore tries not to enforce its opinion of ow you "should" write music. If you enter a dotted eighth, you'll get and dotted eighth. So if you don't want a dotted eighth, don't enter one - simple as that (eg, "4 C 3 +"). If you want an eighth tied to a sixteenth, simply enter that. Not sure why you'd choose to deliberately enter it incorrectly? But FWIW, there is a built in facility to "spell check" your rhythms, so if for whatever reason you find you have entered them incorrectly, try Tools / Regroup Rhythms. It won't fix everything but will correct the most obvious mistakes, including this specific one.

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