Extending length of note in tablature past barline creates note on different string

• Jun 13, 2021 - 15:19


While transcribing a song for bass tablature, I noticed that whenever I selected a note and changed the note duration to beyond the barline, the new note created would be on the top string, at an equivalent pitch.
See attached demonstration here: Tie_over_barline_demonstration.mscz
Playback sounds like a single note, but the graphics disagree. I've already found a workaround, but it is slightly inconvenient.


You shouldn't need a workaround, just add the tie normally. That is, don't try to trick MuseScore into creating the tie for you by increasing the duration past the barline, just add it the usual way: select the desired duration and press the tie button (or press "+").

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

" I noticed that whenever I selected a note and changed the note duration to beyond the barline, the new note created would be on the top string, at an equivalent pitch."
You get the 0 on the top line because you are in normal mode: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/note-input-modes#normal-mode
(not sure that is expected though, I don't recall that - but sounds as undesired)
In Input mode ("N" enabled), it works by pressing the tie button (or "+" shortcut)
See: 1 Tie_over_barline.mscz

In reply to by cadiz1

I see the same behavior with version 2 - image below. As if the program doesn't remember the fret position (if there is an alternative, the "default" position apparently) when changing the note duration in normal mode. Really, I don't remember that at all.
For now, consider it working in input mode using the ties function as explained previously.


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