Musescore Persistently Crashes and Requires Reinstall to Run Again

• Jul 12, 2021 - 03:08

For the last few weeks whenever I try to run Musescore 3, I've run into several issues. They all involve the same result: the app crashes and closes itself. When I try to launch the app again, a Windows message pops up explaining that the app "can't open," and says I should consult the Windows store for help. There it says the "app encountered a problem" and needs to be reinstalled. After reinstalling the app will launch again, but will display the same problems anytime it occurs. The crashes occur when:
- exporting all parts from a score
- trying to uninstall resources from resource manager (specifically I've done it with MDL Drumline); this also caused the drumline instruments to disappear, but to still appear as installed in the app

I've tried the following:
- restarting my computer
- reinstalling Musescore 3 (of course)
- factory resetting Musescore 3 by changing permissions on the WindowsApps folder, since the product is only in the Windows Store

Does anyone have any idea what's causing this or how to resolve it?

I've also (just today) started to receive an error message when I close Musescore 3 saying a long path name that seems to say that writing to the workspace failed.


In order to investigate, we would need you to attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the crash. probably it has become corrupt.

The latter error message involving writing to the worksapce is probably caused by whatever it is you did to the permissions on your system. The Windows store version is out of date unfortunately, best to install the official version if at all possible.

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