Musescore won't display/open

• Aug 5, 2021 - 16:40

I have the latest version of Musescore 3 but the display somehow doesn't appear.

Every time I click, a new process is being put in the task manager but nothing appears (and they all seem to use around 42Mb of RAM) .

I tried to run it in the executable with -F and -w but nothing happens except a new instance being added each time.

I tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it but this didn't work either.

The portable version also doesn't seem to open the app.

I am using the latest available Windows 10 and have an NVIDIA as a graphic card. I have 3 monitors but tried with the other 2 unused.


Maybe it opens on one of the other screens?

Hold on: first kill al those MuseScore3.exe processes via the task manager (or reboot). If one is running (and got stuck somehow) no further will (successfully) start, same for the PortableApp

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