Crash when inserting a 3/4 time signature in a measure

• Aug 6, 2021 - 01:08

When I try to insert a 3/4 time signature from the palette MuseScore crashes. It doesn't seem to matter if the measure is empty (or at least has a black rectangle/rest) or if there are notes in it. The piece I'm working with is in 4/4, so maybe that somehow causes it.

Does anyone know how to solve that?

Version info: OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34


Not enough information provided.

For instance...
What version of MuseScore?
Is it a local time signature that you are trying to insert?
Have you already generated individual player's parts?

Please attach the score and explain the exact steps you perform to cause the crash.


The crash happened when I tried to insert a 3/4 time signature instead of the C in measure 6. It doesn't matter if I change the measure 6 or 7 to be 3/4 in the measure properties and then insert the time signature symbol.

Attachment Size
44To34Crash.mscz 29.77 KB

In reply to by Dyce123

So, measure 6 has too many beats and all after that do not have enough beats. this is causing the crash. I think this piece should have been in 3/4 from the beginning.
Or you can experiment with alternating between the two meters. I did a little of that starting in measure 2. No crash.

In reply to by bobjp

Alright that kind of makes sense to my beginner brain. I'll try it out or maybe start with a 3/3 file and move on from there. I'm wondering if MuseScore should report a warning to handle such a scenario instead of abruptly crashing.

Anyways, thanks for your help!

It looks like the score starts out in 4/4 then changes to 3/4.
Anyway, the problem lies downstream from where you wish to insert the 3/4. There are many triplets in this piece, some will cross bar lines - which is a no-no. In a case like this it is best to work from the end of the score and insert time signatures back to front.
Have a look/listen to this score:

Here you can add your 3/4 time signature to measure 6 or measure 7, because everything 'downstream' I protected with added time signatures. Though be aware that if you place a 3/4 onto measure 6, the whole note will get 'broken up' and tied to a new measure because it can't fit into a 3/4 measure, so maybe it's actually still part of the opening in 4/4 and should not be in 3/4. Best to first work out the timing (and voices) for that measure.

By adding the 3/4 to measure 7, you won't move/break stuff . Those triplet arpeggios will flow intact, 3 complete triplets per measure (in 3/4). Right click on those measures (with a - sign) and, in measure properties, you will see they are 3/4 actual.
You can play the score and listen for the measures with wrong notes, rhythms, voices. Some phrases may need to be time shifted (via cut/paste).
The measures with the different time signatures are the ones that mostly need fixing as I am not familiar with the piece. (Those various time signatures I added to avoid crashing when placing an 'upstream' time signature.)

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