Creating Theory Exams

• Aug 12, 2021 - 03:01

Hi. I recently began using MuseScore for the purpose of creating theory tests for my students and for our regional music teacher's association. I'm running into a few issues, though, such as not being able to hide a time signature. (I want them to fill in the correct time signature.) I'd also like to be able to create questions such as: Name each major key signature. As I've experimented with this, every time I change the key signature, it has to "cancel" the previous key with naturals first, then give the new key signature. I realize in the context of a composition, this would be great... but in the context of trying to create tests, it's not. Is there a way to "hide" the naturals, so that they aren't seen before the new key signature?

I really like MuseScore, but as I'm creating exams, I'm wishing it didn't "think" for me, and would just let me do what I want to do. Is the "hiding" feature something that is available in the PRO version? Just checking before I spend the money...

Thank you for your time and help,



For MuseScore software there is no Pro or paid version, it is free and open source.
Selecting an element with a click and pressing V to make it invisible might be one way.

What do you call "have to cancel the previous one"?
And as Soichi said there is NO pro/paid version of MuseScore on Windows/mac/linux.
Only the reader app on Android/iOS has a pro version, but that is not the reader app that you want.

Another question would be are you giving these exams in person or online? If online, what is your process? If in person, it's easy to produce a PDF to hand out.

In reply to by bobjp

There are a few ways which work. The "v" for visibility (or invisibility!) works OK on screen - though you might have to go into Print mode to get the best results. Also if you use "v" and other tools to get the score (or fragments) looking OK for the exam, it's possible then to use the camera "snapshot" (Image capture) feature to get a graphic file which you can include within a word processor. There are a few ways of getting this done.

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