MIDI import, losing the melody.

• Aug 22, 2021 - 13:29

I imported a multi channel MIDI track from REAPER this evening. When I opened it it came up as five distinct staves which is nice but I could only select instruments for the first 2 channels and only out of 4 piano instruments. Channels 4 and 5 were also converted to "woodblock" and "GtrFret noise" under the insrument 'Concert Snare Drum' and the melody appeared to be lost since these instruments only have one note.

Fortunately the notes/melody reappeared when the section was copied to another stave but It was alarming to think that my work was lost.


FWIW, your work on the original MIDI file would never be lost - the MIDI file is not modified in any way by the import.

When you say you could only select instruments for some of the instruments, I guess you mean during the import process itself? Could be the instrument itself seemed to offer no other relevant options - MuseScore only offers ones that seem related to the actual instrument specified in the MIDI. iMaybe you used channel 10?
That's normally reserved for percussion. Not to worry, you can easily change instruments later by right-clicking the staff, then Staff/Part Properties.

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