Distance between staves

• Aug 25, 2021 - 14:35

On page 1 of my music the staves are nice and close together i.e. the vertical distance between them is small - I have 10 staves on the page as well as the heading. However, on page 2 + the vertical distance between staves is comparatively large - I can get 6 staves on the page (and there is no heading). How to I adjust the vertical distance between staves. The manual seems to cover every other layout item except this one. Very many thanks, Brian


The right solution is, don't have such unbalanced pages. Instead of 10+6, simply make it 8+8, or perhaps 7+9 to account for the title. Because whether the extra space on the second page is distributed between the staves, or bunched up at top or bottom, it won't look as professional as having similar space on both pages.

To accomplish that, simply decide where to add the page break, then select the measure and hit Ctrl+Enter, same as you'd do in a word processor. Or click the page break icon in the Breaks & Spacers palette.

The spacer solution would be a workaround to allow you to do the "extra space bunched up at the bottom", but again, I don't recommend that when there is such a better alternative. For the record, though, see the handbook under Spacers to learn how to add them should the need arise in the future.

Also, a simpler way to create the extra-space-bunched-up-at-the-bottom look would be to go to Format / Style / Page and disable vertical justification of staves. Normally that would be a bad idea as you'd have uneven bottom margins, but in your case - a simpler two-page part of one staff per system I assume - it won't matter so much.

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