Musescore creating two time signatures

• Sep 11, 2021 - 08:42

The piano part for my piece is showing a double up of a time signature. If I try to delete the first one it doesn't do anything, and if I try to delete the second it gets rid of the new time signature completely, making it the same as the bar before.

Attachment Size
sally.mscz 61.22 KB


Your attachment did not have a tab for a piano part, so I created one. I guess this is where the issue is, in measure 20:

The same thing happens if you generate the marimba part.

This used to happen in older versions of the program. All known bugs involving this were fixed long ago, but files already :infected" remain so. While turning off a courtesy signature psrtially works around the prloblem for now, the score is still infected and the problem will likely reappear. The more permanent fix is to go to Format / Style / Page and disable courtesy signatures, save the score, reload, then re-enable courtesy signatures.

If this score was created from scratch in 3.6.2, then there must be some vdersion of the bug still present, and in that case, it would be very useful to understand how to reproduce the issue from scratch.

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