add lyrics to all parts, with different rhythmns

• Sep 30, 2021 - 10:10

hi all,
I am relatively new to musescore, but so far its been a game-changer for me.
I am writing out some instrument parts for a song, and want to put the lyrics in each part to make it easier during rehearsals to navigate parts.

I can put the lyrics so far in the trumpet and flute parts, as they are currently imitating the melody. but I want to put the lyrics in the bass part, which is playing sustained notes, so the muse score lyrics are trying to match syllables to note durations. Is there a way to override this, so the cello player can see the lyrics on his score?
File attached.

Attachment Size
What_a_beautiful_name_it_is.mscz 34 KB


I think I would do this by adding a vocal stave which has the melody and lyrics. Leave the lyrics out of the instrumental parts but create individual instrument+vocal parts and in the parts set the stave properties of the vocal part to "small stave". That way the players can see the rhythm of the melody, which is probably more helpful to them when following the singers than the words.

See the attached example where I have created a flute+vocal, trumpet+vocal and cello+vocal parts.

In reply to by paulmphilip

Incidentally, you seem to have used one instrument but with two staves each for the flutes and trumpets. It is more usual to use two instruments each with a single stave unless you are writing for an instrument that uses a grand staff (piano for example). It is possible to do it the way you have but it makes your life more difficult. For example, it needs some trickery to create individual trumpet 1 and trumpet 2 parts, Also when you add dynamics, the default range (where they take effect on playback) is for the parts - i.e. both staves. You would need to set the range of any dynamic to "stave" to hear different dynamics on the trumpet 1 and trumpet 2 during playback.

In reply to by SteveBlower

ah ok, that's interesting. My intent is to write 2 parts for each instrument, so they can switch between playing the melody, and then playing a harmony on different verses (there's only 1 trumpet and 1 flute in the group). SO you're saying the best way for me to do this is to just add 2 instruments separately (ie 2 x flutes and 2 x trumpets)?

In reply to by paulmphilip

That is a rather special but perfectly valid use case. Having two staves per instrument is probably as good a way to go as any other. However, any way you do it, it will not be easy to have MuseScore both look the way you want and play back the way you want as it doesn't (yet) have a facility to play differently on a first and second or subsequent times through a repeat; but if you are only interested in making printed parts to put in front of real live players, that will not be an issue for you.

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