[Fixed] No playback when MIDI files are imported into Musescore. Playback only works for newly created notes within the session. .

• Oct 1, 2021 - 12:23


When I imported a midi file generated in reaper into Musescore I get no playback for the imported notes. I assigned all soundfonts in the mixer so it should work.
However, what is strange is that playback WORKS but only for newly created notes in the project, not for the imported midi information.

The same happens if I import XML file. No playback for imported notes, only playback for newly created notes.

Any ideas how I can get the playback to work?
(My assumption is that during conversion maybe volume or something got translated to to something that mutes the notes?)




I'm guessing those imports come with user defined velocities for volume, which don't play very nicely together with expressive instruments that use CC-messages for volume to allow for single note dynamics.

The quick fix is to select everything (Ctrl/Cmd+A) and use the Inspector (F8) to filter the selection on Notes (button at the bottom) and then press the Reset arrows for the "Velocity Type" and "Velocity Offset" fields.

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