Does or can MuseScore work with controller devices?

• Nov 6, 2021 - 12:59

I wonder if MuseScore can be made to work with controllers such as this one…

Clearly drums are one possibility, but could devices like this also be used to initiate loops in MS - which is I think the sort of thing which can be done in some DAWs like Ableton Live?

I know next to nothing about this kind of tool and applications.


You wrote:
I know next to nothing about this kind of tool and applications.

So, then...
What is it that you are precisely striving for? What's your desired end result?

For instance, do you want to produce/facilitate...
Drum music notation and playback in MuseScore?
Studio quality audio production?
Live performance with real time 'electronic' drum accompaniment using pre-programmed 'loops' with the ability to change drum pattern variations 'on the fly' during performance?
The use of velocity sensitive drum pads (like in the LPD8) to "play" drum sounds in real time by hitting drum "pads" (instead of banging on actual drums/cymbals)?

As far as I can tell it sends standard MIDI signals so it should be usable for note input just like any other MIDI device.

Not sure what you mean about initiating loops, though. MuseScore has a loop function, but it's not something designed to be accessed by external controllers, just like the palettes and other functions aren't. But people have come up with clever scheme for allowing external devices to control functions in MuseScore, see for instance

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