Disabling collisions?

• Nov 8, 2021 - 05:11

Musescore is kind of basic, notationally, and I'm trying to find loopholes.

I am trying to put two different elements together to make one, but it seperates them, one above the other. Is there a way I can have these remain where I place them? First picture is what I want them to look like (they're hidden, so I can move them wherever), second is what happens when I un-hide them.

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ArrowQuestion1.jpg 115.1 KB
ArrowQuestion2.jpg 86.76 KB


You could also consider simply using an actual arrow (perhaps an SVG for convenience) instead of an accent with line?
Or if they are symbols attach one of them to the other, so they'll always stay together..

Actually, I think with more experience you'll find MuseScore supports a wide variety of standard notations, and quite a few non-standard ones. but indeed, it lacks support for custom shapes. Arrows are a sore point, in that you can add them from the Symbols or Special Characters palette but they will be fixed in length.

Anyhow, I don't recommend trying to workaround it using separate lines and accent marks, for a number of reasons. One, the accent affects playback and MusicXMl export, and also it may flip from above to below if the passage is transposed, and also the exact default positions of these elements may change from release to release. Simialrly, spacing between notes may change as your score layout changes for any reason (transposition, new fonts, adding or removing system breaks, general layout improvements, etc). So any attempt to join a line and accent mark with be "fragile".

Instead, depending on how often you are needing to do this, you might consider using a dedicated drawing program to create an SVG that you then paste into your score. Or, try simply adding ">" or your favorite Unicode or SMuFL character as the "end text" for the line and adjust its horizontal position as needed to join it to the line.

For instance:

Screenshot 2021-11-08 8.41.03 AM.png

Much more precise, much less fragile, and you can then add this to a palette for easy reuse.

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