Cannot read file... unkown type v3.6

• Dec 1, 2021 - 13:22

When I save a score and exit the program, if I start up again and try to either open recent or open by going to my score directory, the musescore program states that it cannot read the file, and it is an unkown type. Looking in my "score" directory I see an archive file (I'm using Linux) and if I double click on that from my file exporer I see the contents of the archive, and I can then double click on the *.mscx file and it will open in musescore.

Is there some setting I am unaware of that I can change to rectify this? It seems musescore does not recognize the file format it saves in when using an archive format. Is there a way to save un-compressed? Seems that I remember musescore 2.0 just had mscz files and there was none of this file recognition stuff going on.

Thanks for the help!


Oh one more thing - if I save as uncompressed musescore 3 type - the program barfs and states that the file is an unknown type and nothing is saved.

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