Uploading midi drums into drumset score

• Dec 29, 2021 - 07:53


Can anyone guide me to a tutorial on how to set up midi drums from logic into a drumset score?
I can import the midi file but cannot work out how to set up the drum score. When I go into instruments and change it to the drumset score, it requests to 'save' and then closes down? I have attached a photo of the score it wants to set up in.

I changed my logic files to channel 10 if that's of any help.

Any help is much appreciated!

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 07.49.31.png 94.53 KB


Unfortunately we can't really tell much from just a picture. If you attach your actual score - and since you mention MIDI, probably the original MIDI file as well - and describe in more detail what you are actually trying to do, we can understand and assist better.

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