File operators disappeared from my tool bar

• Jan 7, 2022 - 12:47

I had several pieces where the File Operators panel disappeared. It was a default, I think, but now I have to find it and open it every time. This is hard because I keep forgetting what it is called and it is in a submenu! How can I get this back to being opened in the documents every time. Also, it appears now as a window instead of integrated into the top part of the window like it was before.
Thanks in advance.


The toolbar state isn't part of your score, it's part of MuseScore's overall settings, or those of the specific "workspace" you are in (see the selector at far right of the main toolbar, if you haven't closed that as well).

After re-enabling the toolbar, to dock it, just drag until you see the docking station appear.

Once you set anything about your toolbar state, it should be remembered, but I suppose if MuseScore crashes, the most recent settings change might not be stored. So, after setting up your toolbars as you like, just quit and restart MuseScore to make sure the changes stick.

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