Tempo markings and title across parts

• Jan 8, 2022 - 14:49

Is there a way to easily change all the tempo markings? My individual parts score tempos weren't changing when I adjusted the tempo on the conductors score.

****Kinda Solved**** I figured out that if I deleted all the tempo marks, by going to each individual part, and then added it to the conductors score it put the tempo correctly across them all. Now it works as expected, with the change in any tempo, in any part, reflecting in all them. (This change in tempo markings may have occured when copy/ pasting music to different parts. Or by adding instruments / parts after original tempo marking was inputted)

Same thing is happening with my titles:
I tried deleting all the titles and then adding it to the conductors score, but it only shows up on two of 20 parts. If I adjust the title on either of those two parts, it adjusts the title on the conductors score.
- "work title" under score properties shows the right title.
- If I add a title to one of the parts that it doesn't show up on it only shows on that part.

Attachment Size
G3 Alec C MacGregor.mscz 133.31 KB


Normally it should be the case that if you change a tempo text in the score, it affects all parts, and vice versa. If you have a score where this isn't happening, that would be the result of a bug in MuseScore, and we'd like to see that score but more importantly, to understand how the score got into that state. That is, if you can remember what you did that resulted in w formerly correct score where tempos are linked somehow getting messed up to the point where they aren't linked any more. Not that whatever you did is wrong and shouldn't have been done - but it triggered the bug, and that's the info we'd need to investigate and hopefully fix it.

In your case here I can confirm the score has become messed up reagrding the tempo - in particular, "Pipes G3 Harmony Sound" shows the wrong tempo.

I'm guessing the issue will turn out to somehow invovle multimeasure rests, as that introduces another level of linking. Markings attached to measures that are part of multimeasure rests are maintained with two copies - one for the underlying empty measure, one for the multimeasure rest itself.

FWIW, usually a decent fix for scores that have been corrupted in this way would be to delete all parts then regenerate them. you lose any formatting you did in the parts, but that's probably a small price to pay for eliminating these problems which will probably take more time to find and attempt to fix.

Regarding titles, I think it's the tile frame itself that isn't linked, and that would explain why changes to it aren't either. Here again, removing and regenerating the parts should fix it.

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