Dotted notes across bars

• Jan 31, 2022 - 05:20

When trying to put chords that are dotted you can't go over into a different bar, which makes it hard. Anyone know how to fix it?


It's not totally clear what you mean here, but dotted notes are not special in any way here. if there is room in the measure, you can place them within the measure. If there isn't , you need to use a tie. That's true whether trying to put a dotted half note on beat 3 (in 4/4) or a half note on beat four. If you attempt to enter such a note, MuseScore will correct the error for you and add it as a tied note. Unless you are writing Renaissance music that doesn't actually use barlines, and you enable the experimental special intended-for-Renaissance-music-only option mentioned above.

If that's not what you mean, please attach your score and explain what you are trying to do in more detail.

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