How to reduce distance between staves in a system?

• Feb 1, 2022 - 02:22

Something I did caused the distance between each staff to double in a system. I'm thinking it was when I added lyrics to a line, but I'm not quite sure. Anyway, the change only happened to the first system on the first page of the piece, so now that page only has one weirdly spaced system while the rest each have two normally spaced ones. Is there any way to adjust this spacing in musescore 3?


You wrote:
Something I did caused the distance between each staff to double in a system.
Anyway, the change only happened to the first system on the first page of the piece...

Try this first:
Press Ctrl + A, then press Ctrl + R to reset the score elements, as a score element might have inadvertently been moved out of position.
If that doesn't work, attach the score.

Could also be there simply isn't room for two systems on the first page, so MuseScore is trying to do what professional editors would often do and fill the page as much as possible. But sometimes there are better ways of avoiding the big giant gap at the bottom, like adding more space about the system, or stretching out the title frame, or moving it to a separate page so two systems fit. If you attach your score, we can understand and advise better.

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