Why doesn't the cursor's note icon change until I move the cursor?

• Feb 2, 2022 - 09:30

If I enter the input mode (n), the mouse cursor changes to the selected node, like a crochet. In this state, if I press a key like 4, the mouse cursor's note icon does not change. It changes when I move the mouse. Is this an intended bahaviour? Kind of inconvenient because I do not remember all the shortcut keys and the programme does not immediately show the feedback.

PS: This forum does allow attaching MP4 video format. I don't know why, it would not pose any more security threats than the other formats it already allows, and its size is not big. I had to zip it.

Attachment Size
screen-recording.zip 338.14 KB


I guess the change of duration doesn't force a redraw of the cursor. Feel free to enter this into the issue tracker.

You wrote:
...if I press a key like 4, the mouse cursor's note icon does not change.
...I do not remember all the shortcut keys and the programme does not immediately show the feedback.

When you press a key like 4, observe the note input toolbar to get feedback of the note's duration.

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