Differnet layout

• Feb 4, 2022 - 07:53

I´ve upgraded to the latest version 3.6.2 and
most of the partitures (not all!!) have a different layout (because
they were written in an older version 2.3.2) and now I dont
know how to restore them. How can I make theese files
correct again? Thankful for alla help I can get.
Leif Asp


2.3.2 score in 3.6.2 are expected to have a different layout.
If you really want to fully retain the 2.3.2 layout, use 2.3.2 on those scores (yes, you can have MuseScore 1(.3), 2(.3.2) and 3(.6.2) installed on the same PC and even running in parallel)

But almost always you can also import those 2.x scores into 3.6.2 and adjust the layout so that is comes very close to how it looked in 2.3.2, probably even better (and quite a bit>)

Leif - the change from MS 2.3.2 to MS 3.6.2 is indeed a bit painful, because Automatic Placement inevitably takes up more space on the page. But there are remedies: for example to gain some space by reducing the Scaling a little with Format > Page Settings > Scaling > Stave space. It is well worth persisting with the new style settings, because Automatic Placement is now an integral part of MuseScore and always will be.

  1. You should check Edit > Preferences > Import > When opening MuseScore from older versions, to be sure that you are prompted for a decision about which style to use.

  2. You can re-apply the older MS 2 style by using a stylesheet. On Windows the legacy stylesheet is here:
    C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\styles\legacy-style-defaults-v3.mss
    (Thanks to Jojo-Schmitz for this tip in a previous post: https://musescore.org/en/node/316516)


Many scores will look the same in 2.3.2 and 3.6.2, but some won't for various reasons. In some of those cases, it's the new improved default layout that fixes tons and tons of deficiencies in the old layout, but if you were relying on those old bugs, and performing manual adjustments to overcome them, those adjustments won't make sense any more. So usually, simply resetting to the new defaults will have your scores looking even better than before - see Format / Style and then hit the Reset button to get most of that.

Or, if you were deliberately creating collisions - allowing symbols to overlap each other that normally wouldn't in published music - you may have to disable autoplace for those symbols specifically, using the Inspector.

If you need further assistance, just attach a score you re having trouble with so we can understand and assist better

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