Linking my MuseScore scores to my wordpress blog

• Feb 13, 2022 - 12:43

I've downloaded over fifty original scores to my website in the past ten years. No problem. Now I find that although they download as PDF files, somehow Adobe grabs them and I'm stuck.
I haven't posted for a couple of years so I may be missing a basic move. But "export" my finished score seems to be a dead end. Am I missing something? Or have Adobe and MuseScore discontinued these manœuvres.
My site is


MuseScore, Wordpress and Adobe have got nothing to do with one another.

Adobe's Acrobat Reader is all but one possible PDF reader. Whether or not it gets used to view PDF files on your computer depends on your computer, its settings and the browser you use.

For me, regardless of having Acrobat Reader installed, when using Edge on your site, the PDFs get rendered by Edge.
When I download PDFs though, they get gendered by Acrobat Reader

You wrote:
Now I find that although they download as PDF files, somehow Adobe grabs them and I'm stuck.

Stuck from what exactly? Your computer crashes? That would definitely make you "stuck".
Without you explaining in more detail what you are trying to accomplish, together with the specific actions you perform -- e.g., "I download a score from..." and/or "I upload a score to..." it's difficult to help.

You wrote:
But "export" my finished score seems to be a dead end.

Dead end? How? Where can you no longer go?
Again, when you ask for support, please pretend that you are speaking to someone with absolutely no knowledge of your situation.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I'm so sorry to be so vague. I was brain fogged after struggling with something which was so easy a couple of years ago. I create my MuseScore score and then want to save it. I go to Export and it goes to my MuseScore file ... as a Acrobat PDF file. I don't remember ever working with this file before.
This is where I'm "stuck"
I don't remember how I made a clickable link to both my blog and to the music score I offer on that blog.

Here's an example of an article on the blog ...

And the sheet music file ...

How do I create that https file. And create that link?

I did over 50 these pieces with downloadable score. But three years have passed and perhaps there are new "upgrades". Like ebooks now replaced texts ... another frustration.

Again my apologies for being so muddled. Now I'm too verbose ...

In reply to by nikkitytom44

When you go to Export, you can choose what type of file you want to export. PDF is the default because it is by far the most common type of file that people would want to share for viewing and printing. But if you want to export some other format, just choose it in the dropdown list in the Export dialog.

Once you have your PDF or other exported file, you need to to attach it to your blog post. For information on that, you'd really need to consult a WordPress forum. Once you've created the PDF or other format file, MsueScore's job is done, and it wouldn't be involved in any way after that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

UI am so grateful to you for finally shaking some sense into my stubborn head. I remember this whole process being so easy and have been fruitlessly bumping my head against a wall for three weeks. No degree I ever earned caused me such frustration.

But your firm guidance back to Word Press stirred me to investigate a bit. And you are absolutely correct! MuseScore's job was indeed done ... and it was WordPress which was the problem. In the last decade, they morphed from an easy-to-use platform to a completely incomprehensible mish mash of unnecessary details. Horrific!

I've just ironed out the mess and corrected a faulty file ... and will now doze off for three days to recuperate.

Many thanks ... 👍

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