Using MS3 like Synthesia for learning =>> How to getting MuseScore 3 to wait for my keyboard input while practicing

• Feb 15, 2022 - 08:14

How can I configure MuseScore 3 to work like Synthesia for learning songs with a light-up keyboard?

I have a Yamaha EZ-220 keyboard with light-up keys and I am just learning to play piano. I want MuseScore to wait for me to press the key lit up on the keyboard before advancing to the next note.

Also, how do I annotate the notes on the staff to represent the letters of the keys to press?

When I load in MIDI files of existing songs, the lyrics and page annotations were lost. How do I import them so nothing is lost?

I apologize to purists if you don't like this way I am learning, but this is my choice. I want to play my favorite songs as quickly as possible first, and after that I will learn theory and more traditional ways to learn musical theory.


Since you have light-up keys factory installed, weren't you supplied with something like the "Yamaha Education Suite"?
I owned a non-lighted Yamaha keyboard, and as I recall, the piano could be set to stop and wait for the correct note. Or it could be set to "follow" your playing and slow down or speed up as necessary. The final stage was, of course, to play at correct tempo.
MIDI files of songs other than those supplied could be transferred to the instrument via usb so they would display on the instrument's screen.

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