Importing midi drums to musescore - need help!

• Feb 25, 2022 - 12:06

Hi. I imported my midi drums to musescore and for some reason it autocreates the notation with two lines (grand stave). I'm totally new to this but I believe a drumset should be on one line not two. I have been reading other similar posts but I can't see how I can covert this to be one line instead of two, or how to copy and paste it on to one line.

I'm trying to get my midi drums onto notation for our drummer to use and learn from. I have also modified the drumset to map into the drumset I created the drum patterns in.

I'm sure this is all simple when you know how. Thanks.

Attachment Size
6-4_Intro_Full_Song.mscz 34.27 KB
AoVDrums.drm 2.62 KB
6-4 Intro Full Song.mid 19.63 KB


In reply to by martymachmusi

If I import that MIDI into MuseScore, it comes in as a Grand Piano (and as such consequently with 2 staves), not at all as a drumset.
Looks entirely different from your mscz, except that it also has 2 staves.

Your mscz has a key signature, that is ... quite unusual for a drum staff?

Just ticking the "drumset" box in Mixer is not turning a normal staff into a drum staff, as far as I can tell (but if I do that on your MIDI it still looks different from your mscz)

I've "fixed" your MIDI file by moving all events (currently in channel 0) to the 10th channel (09) which is the Drum channel as per the MIDI standard.
If you now do import the attached file, MuseScore will recognize it as a drumset file (though not quite readable by default imho).

Attachment Size
6-4 Intro Full Song-on-channel-10.mid 19.63 KB

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