How to graphically display overtones

• Feb 25, 2022 - 18:49

I'm making a guitar score, a classical song. In a certain measure, there are harmonic sounds, their spelling is that the notes are not round, they are those little diamonds (a few balloons). How to make HARMONIC SOUNDS in Musescore? My interest is not to listen to the reproduction in harmonic sounds, but just to generate the PDF score with the correct spelling of the harmonic sounds, of those little balloons. If anyone knows and can teach me, I would be very grateful.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Yes, in the palette in the appropriate symbols in the Note Head palette, they only modify but it seems that I didn't find in this palette a symbol that indicates the harmonic. That is, I wish to indicate to the musician that he must play the harmonic of the written note
, is this possible in MuseScore?


In reply to by mjbartemusica1

Unfortunately I don't understand what you mean. As far as I know, a diamond notehead is how to tell a musician to play a harmonic. Is there a different symbol you are wanting to use instead? I think also sometimes people use a small circle above the note. Find that in the Articulations palette.

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