Text Frame Issues

• Feb 25, 2022 - 23:32

I'd like to be able to have a text frame at the bottom of one page, and another one at the top of the following page. I should be able to use a Page Break to achieve this, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I either get two text frames on one page, or following a long chain of commands suggested by Johan T., I get an extra text frame at the bottom of the final page. It seems to work on Johan's Windows computer, but my Mac won't do it.... or am I just doing something wrong?

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's exactly what I want to do! And my Mac doesn't allow for it. Johan's Windows computer and Marc's Linux / Chromebook do it fine, but mine doesn't. I can use this - thanks! (Still wish I could do it myself though...)

In reply to by fretlessman71

It's extremely time-consuming to schedule Zoom sessions, and we don't really have the bandwidth to offer that kind of service. I suppose maybe someone might offer that as a paid service someday, but it's not something available currently. So, if you describe precisely, step by step, what you are doing, we can tell you where you're going wrong. Or, upload a screen capture video, although eh text description is usually way easier to produce and for others to work from.

Right now I don't see any places where you have two text frames in a row, so it's not clear where you are wanting to do this. Maybe re-attach your score in the state where you've successfully added two text frames at the bottom of a given page, but are then struggling to add the page break. Adding the page break between them should be as simple as selecting the first frame then pressing Ctrl+Enter. But right now, you just don't have any text frames where this would apply - there are no sets of two adjacent text frames, not at the bottom of a page, not anywhere else either.

Or maybe, the issue is as simple as, you haven't yet created the text frame you want the page break to appear on. That is as simple as selecting an existing text frame then Add / Frames / Insert Text Frame. but, I also don't see any pages that have room for another text frame. So maybe that's your issue, that you are trying to add one but it's not going on the previous page simply because there is no room?

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