Reducing gap between notes in two different voices occurring simultaneously

• Mar 1, 2022 - 15:17

Hi there, I have attached an unmetrical SATB piece.

Could you please tell me the best way to reduce the gap between the following notes, so that they touch one another, but do not overlap:

  • The first two crotchets in the treble, SA section (voices 1 and 2).

  • The two semibreves at the end of the piece, also in the treble, SA section. They are also two separate voices but are supposed to sound simultaneously.

I'm using Musescore 3.6.2 on Linux. Thanks in advance for your time,



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Brilliant, thanks Jojo. That did the trick.

I used the x-offset as I'm writing these pieces up for my dad, who's a composer. He specifically wanted the gaps removed, so I'm glad to be able to do just that :)

Your replies to other queries which have been relevant to my various efforts with Musescore have also been helpful during the time I've been using the software.

There's something else going on here that is causing problems. For some reason you have the scaling of the staves set to 110%. Don't do that. if you want larger staves, do this in Layout / Page Settings, where it affects all staves equally and more importantly, all other markings too whether attached to staves or not. And more importantly, it doesn't have the bug you are seeing where notes that should be aligned between voices are not.

Once you reset the scaling to 100% for the individual staves (and optionally increase the overall staff size to compensate), your layout becomes correct. Note, it's wrong for the noteheads to touch in your specific example, what's correct is for the stems to align vertically. That will happen automatically once you fix the scaling. But aligning the stems will leave a small gap between the noeheads, by design, because that's correct as well. You could use the chord X offset to force the noteheads to touch, but then the stems won't align. I think once you see the correct results, you'll be happier.

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