All barline made invisible. But now also the system lines are invisible...

• Mar 1, 2022 - 19:26


I have made invisible all the barlines, but now also the line of each system is invisible... I would like to make all the system lines visible again without making visible the barline. Is that possible?

Also, if I make invisible all the barlines but then manually make some barlines visible again, then, if I change my mind and want all the barlines invisible again, those that were already invisible become visible again. (Sorry about the tongue twister...)
In other words, I am trying to make invisible all the barlines, but those that were already invisible now become visible.

I understand that the latter I presented here might seem not a real problem and then rather useless to some users, but the reason is that I am trying to make all the objects invisible apart from the noteheads to only print these.

I hope a solution can be found for both the issues. Thanks.


Can you explain why you are trying to make the barlines invisible? If the goal is to create non-metered music, have you tried instead simply joining the measures together? Or if you still want to show the extra spacing before and after the invisible barlines, instead of making them invisible manually, set the staff to not show barlines.

If you press "V", this acts as a toggle - that which is currently visible becomes invisible and vice versa. if your goal is to make all invisible, or all visible, instead use the checkbox in the Inspector.

If you attach your score and describe what you are trying to do in more detail, we can understand and assist better.

Sorry for the delay. I am trying to make all the bars invisible because this is non-metered music and I have imported a midi file.
I have tried to join the bars, as suggested, but this squeezes all the 150 pages into one...
However, setting the staff to not show barlines worked fine for me. So, I have solved the problem.
Thanks a lot!!!

In reply to by prophandances

Well, I didn't mean join all bars at once! Pick and choose - figure out an appropriate amount to include on a system, also perhaps using split to include only a portion of a bar. Then do that system by system.

Making the barlines invisible won't look very good, you'll have awkward visual gaps.

BTW, I can't imagine trying to import 150 pages worth of music from MIDI. Is that really the best you can get? MusicXML would be so much superior. There will be a ton of corrections necessary working from MIDI that wouldn't be needed if you had it in another notation format already.

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