Score won't generate new parts

• Mar 16, 2022 - 02:13

I have 3 parts in the full score, but when I add parts (File>Parts, etc), the music doesn't show up in the individual part. I also tried importing as a PDF, and that is also blank.

The file attached demonstrates this - full score has music, vibraphone part has no music.

Attachment Size
Superflutes.mscz 30.43 KB


PS - I have Windows 11, but musescore works fine on my home PC with windows 11.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled Musescore 3 to no avail.

Somehow you've set your page size to 0 in the part, that's why you don't see anything. I've heard of this happening before but am not sure what causes it - do you have a custom style file set as your default for parts in Edit / Preferences / Score? Or perhaops you started from a corrupt template?

Anyhow, if I delete the part and regenerate it, all is well. or just go to Format / Page Settings and set a reasonable page size.

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