[Solved] Ancient music mensuralist notation

• Mar 20, 2022 - 08:49

I need to create mensuralist notation i.e. when bars are not the same across staffs.
For example, I'll have a 3/4 on first staff, 3/2 on the second and 3/1 on the last one.

In Berlioz's appendix to his traité (see image), he gives two examples of such a case (the first one with 6/8 on 1st staff and 3/4 on 2nd staff: 3 6/8 bars having the duration of 1 3/4 bars).

The proportional duration of notes is the same for all but not forcefully at the same tempo and bars need to appear at the right place.

Is there a way to do this?
Thank you in advance.

Attachment Size
Berlioz-polyrythmic.png 18.41 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for that, it does function... most time but it sometimes make MuseScore crash... I try to give some informations about the context each time it occurs, but it's not very clear why.

I'm still stuck with a special case (still Berlioz ;-)): He writes with the same time signature (6/8) two parts with different movements: one is two times faster than the other, resulting in two 6/8 bars on a staff while there is only one on the other.

I couldn't find how to deal with that. Any idea?

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