Add top note to a chord notation?

• Mar 27, 2022 - 06:51

We know that in chord notation we can add a bass note to an existing chord like this:
G/F means play fa, sol, si re

How can do the same to add a top note?

I know we can do inversions like C/G to add a top E, which means play sol do mi, but it's not the same thing. First of all the bass note changed. I don't want that. I want the bass note to remain DO but add a top MI. Furthermore this only works if the added top note is part of the original chord.

Any ideas?


I don't recall ever seeing a notation that would imply this.
Note also that a G/F does mean F in the bass and G,B,D in the chord, but not necessarily in that buildup. The performer is free to use inversions to their liking.

There is nothing you could write in a chord symbol that any musician or MuseScore - would interpret as a command to play a particular note on top. Normally if you need a specific chord voicing played, you would simply write it out normally in notation, either in addition to or instead of the chord symbol.

But also, to be clear: if you write the chord symbol C. this doesn't mean the G (sol) has to be on top. Normally musicians choose for themselves which notes to play on top. Chord symbols only specify the bass note, because that is the only note that is functionally significant.

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