Musescore suddenly has issues with scaling. All the text is the right size but somehow the boxes are absurdly large!

• Apr 6, 2022 - 20:59

Musescore 3 worked perfectly fine and the suddenly it didn´t. All the text is the right size but everything around is too large. The biggest problem is that it is so large that I can´t see the whole thing. For example when i want to change stave properties I can´t se the bottom of it and therefore can´t edit it. It is therefore not useable. Don´t knoe what the fuck to do!! Ivé change to rescale stuff and go back to factory settings and reinstalled it.


In reply to by soderqvistiri

Generally this means you OS is not communicating the screen resolution to MuseScore properly - like it is trying to do some extra scaling of the display (not uncommon for high DPI monitors) but the calculations are not as MsueScore expects.

If you tell us more about your system - what OS, and the actual resolution of your display in DPI - we can assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for answering!
Im not compleatly sure where to find what you´re looking for. But i think this contains the OS:
Edition: Windows 11 Home
Version: 21H2
Installed on: ‎27/‎10/‎2021
OS build: 22000.613
Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.613.0

Dont know what DPI is but the display info i can find is that it is 3840 x 2160, 60Hz and on rekommended 300% scale. If this does not conatin the information needed please tell me where to find it!
Thanks for helping me :D

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

So I did exactly as the instructions said and it din´t fix it. I basicly tried every number of DPI possible. I chnged the scaling from 200 and got the window for "stave/part properties" to fit the screen at least. But that only changed the text size and not the icon size who are still way to big. And changing the scaling makes everything tiiiiiiny. So something is really fucked with my musescore.

In reply to by soderqvistiri

The problem isn't with MuseScore itself, but with how your operating system is handling the scaling for your monitor and how it is communicating that scaling to MuseScore. On many systems where this happens, the "-D" option is the solution. However, on some systems, the OS does a partial scaling job already, and but not a full one, so then "-D" ends up breaking the part that worked. So, there are other solutions in those cases.

If you are on Windows, for example, see

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