Score privacy

• Apr 8, 2022 - 10:43

Hi All
I have been uploading scores for a while with no problem. However since the new score manager has been rolled out (April 2022) I have been unable to make new scores public. I used to do this by ticking the box to the left of the score (in score manager) and then selecting "make public" in the drop down menu. However this option has disappeared. I cannot do it by updating the score as the save button is greyed out if the privacy is set to "public" and I can't save it. I am tearing my hair out! Please can someone help? :-)


I've solved my own problem - I'll post it in case it helps anyone else. I have not been filling in the song info from the database when uploading scores, (was that naughty?) so the save option never worked unless the score was marked private. I got round this by changing the privacy in the score manager. Now I have been forced to fill in ALL the fields when saving a score, in order to select "public" and all is well.
Happy muse-scoring everyone :-)

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