Adding Tremelos

• Apr 19, 2022 - 01:09


Version 3.6.2 Windows 64

I am attempting to add a tremolo to a single note but it does not seem to work consistently.

I have followed the instructions to highlight the note and then press the tremolo I require but the bar lines of the tremolo do not get added for some reason.

So I highlight the required tremolo and drag it onto the head of the note where the + sign then appears, releasing the mouse button does not add the bar lines nor does pressing the mouse button

Sometimes it will work and sometimes when I play the note the tremolo does sound.

This seems very inconsistent.

Or am I doing something wrong perhaps?

Thanks for any help.



In reply to by Jm6stringer

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply!

I did see the instructions on adding tremolos and followed them but with no luck 8-((

I uploaded the file but it seems not to have arrived, Ill try again.

Steps taken are :-

Open a new score, add 1 note.

Select note.

Open the tremolos bar and click on a tremolo, anyone as a test.

When that fails drag a tremolo onto the head of the note, check there is a + sign let go of the mouse button.

Or click the mouse button to add the tremolo.

No tremolo lines were added but sometimes when you play the note it does work?

Beats me I'm afraid.


Attachment Size
One note score.mscz 6.95 KB

Having looked at your posted example, are you sure you really want that first measure to contain 6 beats with that 4/4 time signature? (Note the little + sign.)
You appear to have 'Insert' mode selected for note input. Normally, you'd use 'Step-Time' .

and for 'Step-Time' details:
for 'Insert' mode details:

Welcome aboard!

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Hi Jm,

Thanks for the advice.8-))

Well, the situation is this, I started with a converted midi file for The Yellow Rose of Texas which I hope to convert into a style for my Tyros 4.
Unfortunately, I found that the midi snare drum sound was more akin to a click so I am trying Musescore to alter the Snare Drum sound effect.

This is proving to be more difficult than I expected as I am having to learn Musescore first as you would expect.

One bit of advice I saw on the net was to use tremolo to make a good snare sound so all I am doing at the moment is to add a tremolo to a note just to see what the sound effect is like.

What I had tried to do was to use a drum set and alter the snare sound but was completely baffled as to how to do that sadly.

Now that I understand how to add tremolos I will go back and re-try the drum sounds.

Hopefully, I will get a bit further this time.....


In reply to by travistravell

Thanks for the clarification.

You wrote:
I found that the midi snare drum sound was more akin to a click so I am trying Musescore to alter the Snare Drum sound effect.

What did you use to play the converted midi file? Did you play it through the Tyros?
A midi file contains no audio but is instead a set of machine instructions which tells a synthesizer how to use its internal sounds to play music. Your Tyros will probably produce far better sounds - which is what a midi file will use. That is, of course, if that midi file contains the proper instrument assignments.
Midi was created so that a saxophone, for instance, will sound like a saxophone across electronic keyboards (i.e., synthesizers) of different manufacturers. However, the quality of any saxophone's sound may vary greatly. Some Yamaha keyboard models, for instance, have enhanced instrument sounds labeled 'Sweet', or 'Cool' which may sound more nuanced than corresponding instrument sounds found on less expensive models.

I hope to convert into a style for my Tyros 4.

The midi snare drum sound that you hear in MuseScore might be less akin to a click but it will not be the exact sound your Tyros will produce. Remember that a midi file contains no audio recording. It will only tell your Tyros to play its own snare drum during performance.

There exists a free program, midi2style, which is a software program for converting standard MIDI files to Yamaha keyboard style files. I believe your Tyros is a Yamaha model.
From your Yellow Rose of Texas midi file you can extract portions to create intro. main, break, outro sections for a style file - just like the accompaniment styles that come with the Yamaha keyboard.

Here's the main site:
There's a ton of stuff accessible from there - including thousands of already made Style files:

In reply to by Jm6stringer


Thanks for the comprehensive reply.8-))

I have loaded the midi onto the tyros but all I get is a click even after changing the instrument on the Tyros.

However, the problem is not with the Tyros but with how I converted the original drum beat from an MP3 into midi.

That gives me a basic midi pattern that seems broadly correct but without a proper snare roll etc.

So what it appears that I need to do is to go through each midi note and instrument to make the correct notation using Musescore, which I am still getting to grips with.

Musescore does put in what seems to be a proper snare drum roll when I test it with just 1 note so I am happy that I should be able to sort it out.

Mid2style is not a lot of help as it does not seem comprehensive enough perhaps until I have corrected the drumline.

Hopefully, once I have done that then I will be able to use midi2style to output the file in Tyros 4 format.

Thanks for the advice on the Jsoft website, I will look around and see what I can find.

I plan to pay for Musescore Pro+ as it looks like it would be very useful for me.


In reply to by travistravell

I thought the midi was created as a 'bona fide' midi assigned correctly.
I did not know that you converted an MP3 into midi. Such conversions are rife with glitches because an audio MP3 does not contain instrument information (among other things) which MIDI requires.

So what it appears that I need to do is to go through each midi note and instrument to make the correct notation using Musescore, which I am still getting to grips with.

Entering drum notation differs from entering notation for pitched instruments.

If you look in the Instruments selection dialog (press the letter I) a snare drum can be selected in unpitched percussion as a single instrument (Concert Snare Drum) or selected as part of a "Drumset".
Here are examples:

P.S.: Regarding MuseScore Pro...
To be clear, MuseScore Pro+ does not unlock any enhanced or "pro" features of the MuseScore notation software. The software is full featured and costs nothing.
A MuseScore Pro subscription allows you to download copyright protected songs from the (dotcom) site. See:
Public domain music can be downloaded from dotcom without paying for PRO. Such scores are marked 'PD". For example:
These can be downloaded for free.

In reply to by Jm6stringer


Thanks again for the information.

Yes, I am doing it the hard way but I could not find the yellow Rose drum score in a midi file.

Thanks for the dumset examples.

I did see that with the Pro version some extra features are unlocked and the + version could be useful for scores.

Especially as it is on sale at the moment.


In reply to by travistravell

To be 100% clear: no, there are no features of the MuseScore notation software itself that are unlocked by subscription to Only features of the score-sharing website are affected in any way by a subscription to that website. MuseScore itself is always 100% free. There is no way to pay for any feature of the program even if you wanted to.

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