accidentall spreading of lines

• Apr 20, 2022 - 17:05

i have the problem of somehow accidentally spreading the Instruments line again, and again.
Can somebody tell me how to fix it,
Thanks, Simon.

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my_bug.png 371.13 KB


Without seeing the file (MSCZ or MSCX) it's impossible to tell but [Ctrl]a, [Ctrl]r will reset everything back to it's default position (which you may or may not want to happen).

From the picture, it seems most likely you dragged a rest way out of its usual position (I see two rests that can't really be explained any one way). So, don't do that :-), but to fix it, Ctrl_R indeed is the way to go. My further guess is that you did this accidentally trying to drag the score. Don't do that either :-). The better way to navigate is with the mouse wheel (or equivalent touch gesture, like two-finger swipe), possibly with Shift to scroll horizontally if your device does not support horizontal scrolling directly.

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