setting default score

• Apr 28, 2022 - 15:02

How do you reset the default score page? I am trying to set the default to "letter", but cannot find the reset for a default so that the blank score page opens in letter.


The default size for new scores created in File / New - and also the sample score you see when you first start MuseScore - is controlled by the default paper size for your default printer. So make sure that's set to Letter. But sometimes this doesn't work - especially on Linux for some reason. So you can also save the attached file to your Styles folder (next to your Scores folder) and set it to be the default for scores in Edit / Preferences / Score.

Attachment Size
letter-score.mss 544 bytes

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, The only printer I have is the default and it has Letter for default, so I downloaded letter-scored.mss and moved it to the Styles folder (which was empty before the move). I have a MacBook Pro macOS Monterey ver. 12.4. I could not find Preferences in the Edit when I was in MuseScore. There is a Preferences tab in the MuseScore menu and it has a tab for Score and that brings up a screen with a list of default files, including "Score:" which is blank. So I entered :/documents/styles/letter-score.mss and OKd it. Then I created a test score and checked Format/Page Settings and ... it was Letter/ANSI A! Thanks for the help, but I had to make a few guesses to follow your instructions.

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