Which Fonts does MuseScore 3 use?

• Apr 28, 2022 - 22:35

Has anyone edited Notehead fonts to something more useful for their application? I would like to altar 4 fonts for special score use and drag them to my "more" Notehead pallet or create 4 new glyphs to add to the notehead pallet.

Attachment Size
Notehead Pallet.jpg 19.07 KB


The MuseScore fonts are compiled in.

The current workaround for custom (as well as non SMuFL) noteheads is to add them as SVGs. You can add them to the noteheads palette if you so wish, but they'll remain meaningless symbols as far as MuseScore is concerned.
However you can turn the actual notehead invisible and superimpose your symbol on top of it.

The default notation font in MuseScore is called "Leland", but there are others available in Format / Style / Score. It's not clear what you mean by "more useful" in this context, the noteheads used in MuseScore are those defined by the internationally-recognized SMuFL standard followed by most notation programs and provided by SMuFL-compliant fonts. As noted above, if you are instead trying to create your own system of notation, you can add images.

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