Possibly to add another instrument in a seperate Voice on a tuned percussion line

• Jun 1, 2022 - 04:20

I know this ability is possible with instruments such as brass, to have divisi played by seperate instruments on the same line. But is it possible to add Pitched Percussion instrument over another pitched percussion instrument?

In this case, I have a percussion track, playing tubular bells and the score asks for a unision to be played through, with glockenspiel. How can I add that glockenspeil over (or at the same time on the same line) the notes of the already written, tubular bells?

Any workarounds if this isn't possible?


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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but, sure, you can have as many staves for an instrument as you want - just add them in Edit / Instruments. Or if you want separate sounds for playback, add it as another instrument.

EDIT: maybe you mean literally, two voices on a single staff but with different playback sounds? This is supported, but indirectly. Best way to get it is to start with the "Men" or "Women" instruments (!), because they are set up with two channels by default, and then you can add the T/B or S/A texts from the palette to automatically assign voice 1 to one channel, voice 2 to the other.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the thorough response.

I think that uploading the score would be easier, as I've done here. I've left a note as to where I need assistance which is on the third section. Page 42, Percussion 1 line, last measure (written and hidden m.16)

I need to have the Glockenspiel and Tubular Bells playing in unison, on the same line hence in the score it reads, "+Glock.", since a seperate Glockenspiel player plays the line with the Tubular Bells in unison.

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In reply to by Jesus del Campo

If it's a separate player - if you actually need three percussionists - then you really should just add another instrument. You can either enable Hide empty staves score wide, or set that instrument to Hide when empty: Always, in Staff/Part Properties.

But if you do have some special need to combine both instruments on a single part, the approach I mentioned before works in general. Change Instrument to "Women", then add the "S/A" text from the palette to this. Now you have independent control over the playback sounds in the Mixer. However, it's going to be complicated in your case because that staff is actually an unpitched staff and the mxier won't normally allow you to choose unpitched sounds. It might have been better to just create that as a pitched staff in the first place and change to unpitched only where desired.

But, there is a much simpler and more practical solution any time you run into issues like this. Just add another staff for the glockenspiel, add the notes, then go back to Edit / Instruments and make the staff invisible. Now you can add its notes to the original staff also but disable playback in the Inspector.

In reply to by Jesus del Campo

I'm having another issue, for the English Horn/3rd Oboe part; the issue comes in on page 48, the key signature should read B-Flat Major and F Major. Albeit that Oboe is a C-Instrument while EH is a transposing instrument.

I have the Instrument change assignment going on two measure before the page break.

Was wondering if theres any way to have the key signature read B-Flat again, and not F Major (E-flat acting as invisible courtesy accidentals)

Attached is the current iteration of the score, thanks!

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In reply to by Jesus del Campo

If you added the instrument change from the palette, there is a known bug that appears when switching between transposing and non-transposing instruments. You can fix the key signature by adding the correct one from the palette as well, holding Ctrl so it affects the current staff only. And in the future. add the instrument change from the Add / Text menu instead of from the palette to avoid this bug.

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