Musescore on Linux stuck at 3.2.3

• Jun 2, 2022 - 17:51

I just installed the latest available Linux version of Musescore on Ubuntu, but it turns out that version is 3.2.3. This sucks a lot, because I have work saved in 3.6.2 and I do not want to have to go and reformat and fix everything manually. Is there a higher version release that I'm missing, or did I do something wrong maybe? I am really new to Linux. Or has Musescore just not updated the Linux releases in two years?


The MuseScore team indeed does not provide (nor update) the packages for the distributions, those were made/maintained by community members. The team instead releases a so called "AppImage" which you can download (as mentioned by Jojo) from this very website. They currently don't have an auto-update function, but I believe this is being investigated for a future release.

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