Playback and Mixer gone + download doesn't work

• Jun 13, 2022 - 04:36

This problem occurs with both 3.4.2 and 3.6.2. (Running a Mac with OS 10.14.6). In View menu, Playback item is active but nothing is displayed when you choose it. F10 does nothing. Mixer item is dimmed. F11 does nothing. Also notices that keyboard drops out once in a while -- i.e. MS doesn't respond it. Tried to download a fresh version of the program. The download fails.


If you were having a temporary internet issue interfering with the download, maybe try again. It definitely works in general. So if you don't currently have 3.6.2 installed, best to re-install it (3.4.2 will have several hundred more bugs, and a few less features - no reason to complicate things with all that).

Normally nothing is "displayed" when you hit the Play button - the current score just plays. Are you saying you have a score loaded, and you see the play button, and it's not greyed out, but when you press it, the score doesn't begin playing? If the mixer button is greyed out, that kind of sounds like maybe you don't have a score loaded, which would certainly explain things. If you do have a score loaded, can you attach the score? Also say if you've installed an alternate soundfont in View / Synthesizer.

If on the other hand the play button isn't active at all, then see the FAW article mentioned previously.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry need to clarify.



— using new copy of MS 3.6.2, with the Sample score loaded (attached) , all items on View menu work except that:

Play Panel menu item is available. Choosing it puts check mark by the item. But the Play Panel window itself is not visible anywhere on screen. (I looked carefully around all the screen border.) Same behavior with F11.

Mixer menu item is dimmed. F10 doesn’t work.

Synthesizer menu item is dimmed.

Please advise.


Attachment Size
SAMPLE.mscz 8.92 KB

In reply to by Jdbutah

Were you ever using a different monitor, or a different display resolution on the current one? If so, the Play Panel might be opening somewhere off-screen. Help / Revert to Factory Settings should fix that, assuming the play panel really is working. But if the Synthesizer window isn't active after that, that says you really need to follow the instructions given in the very first response, with the link to the FAQ article on dealing with sound problems.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I found out what was going on. I'll describe it in case this is useful information for others. In my Documents folder I had a Musescore 2 folder and a Musescore 3 folder. The SoundFonts folder in the Musescore 2 folder was empty. The SoundFonts folder in the Musescore 3 folder had sounfonts in it. I deleted the Musescore 2 folder and launched MuseScore. Everything worked as expected (playback, Playback window, Mixer, Synthesizer.) Thanks for your help.

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