MuseScore 4 bug? Chord symbols not displaying accidentals.

• Jun 14, 2022 - 11:30

Unsure if this is a bug, but wanted to see if anyone could reproduce it / check it for me before I look into reporting it.

I want to have chord symbols with accidentals in them (i.e. D/C# or F#) and can type these in as I've always done in previous versions of MuseScore - by typing the 'hash' or 'pound' key and letting MuseScore deal with that.

I can still type in the symbol and MuseScore displays it while I'm entering the chord, but once I leave the edit mode, the accidental disappears and is not displayed.

If I re-enter edit mode, the accidental is shown again - it seems the information is saved, but not displayed.

If I export this to PDF, the accidental is not included.
If I open in MuseScore 3.6 a file created in MuseScore 4 a lot of the style information from MS4 is not carried over, but the chord information includes the '#' symbol.

Platform Information:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-2368934360, revision: 8e6cd1f


The problem seems to be the bold face setting. If I change to regular it works.

Best to submit this as an issue on the GitHub, where MsueScore 4 issues are being teracked (see the original alpha announcement).

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