Display of naturals in changes of key signature

• Sep 15, 2014 - 04:30

In piano music, I like a key signature change that occurs at the end of a system to show naturals - but not to have the naturals display again at the start of the next system. In 1.3, this was possible by right-clicking on those start-of-next-system naturals and making them invisible with 'Hide naturals'.

Now that controls have been moved into 'Accidentals' within General Style, this is no longer possible to accomplish. When a key signature change occurs at the end of a system, I apparently have to choose between (1) the naturals being displayed in front of the new key signature in both locations, or (2) having no naturals displayed at all.

Of those two choices, I would opt not to show naturals at all - though this is not ideal to me. The other option, though, is worse! I use MuseScore to re-typeset classical music using the conventions of early 20th century publishers, and a repetition of the naturals in front of the new key signature at the beginning of the new system is something I've never come across. Would it be feasible to 'Hide naturals' in that spot once again?


So maybe a 4th choice in the style settings 'Never Show naturals in key sigs' might be the solution?

You could also make it invisible (select, 'v' or use the Inspector, F8), although it then still takes space.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I should have thought to illustrate my query. These are from 1.3:

This is what I want to do, but it's no longer possible in 2.0:

hide naturals.jpg

This is the result of checking 'Hide naturals', which is still my goal:

hide naturals hidden.jpg

Edit: sorry that the right ends of the systems are cut off. I didn't foresee a need to re-size because of limited column width, but you can click on them to see the full-size images.

Attachment Size
hide naturals.jpg 134.14 KB
hide naturals hidden.jpg 128.81 KB

I have the same issue where MuseScore decides how it wants to display it and It won't let me change it to how I want it displayed. My score it displays how I want it, but in my parts it includes the naturals in both the courtesy key signature and at the begging of the next staff.

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