Files Saved to My Computer Will Not Open

• Jul 9, 2022 - 19:08

Files, which have been explicitly saved to my computer, will not open under any circumstance despite the fact that they are under the MUSESCORE files as a 'score.' When I attempt to open the file, the following statement appears:
Cannot read file C:/Users/lenno/Documents/MuseScore3/Scores/InsertFileName.mscz:
I am completely baffled as to why this is happening, which has happened with two scores. Below, I have attached the 'broken' files.

Attachment Size
When_Pigs_Fly.mscz 21.57 KB
MyUndyingHatred.mscz 20.58 KB


In reply to by Visor the Invisioner

I don't have the proper software to inspect your file. JOJO does. However, your file is 20kb. If i open it in Notepad (not at all the proper software) it is almost blank. I opened a file of 10 kb and I get a full page (of gibberish). You should have a hidden folder of auto saved scores. Check the manual for how to find them and open them.

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