Add "Unroll Repeats" to command line options

• Jul 10, 2022 - 12:52

I'm using MuseScore for a learning app. I create panoramic no-repeats scores from regular files. It would be great if you could add this option to the command line interface.

Otherwise I have to write and improve my own unroll method which is not ideal and there are so many repeat symbols.


I think you can run a plugin via the command line options, so perhaps a doable workaround is to have a plugin that executes unroll and saves/export the result?

In reply to by jeetee

Yes, I was looking through the source code of plugins.
There are many issues: a plugin needs to be enabled first, seems like such a plugin needs to run the QT UI and I use server-side headless execution, although with a trick: xvfb-run -a -e /dev/stdout /usr/local/bin/musescore-portable
So far I could unroll the repeats with cmd('unroll-repeats') but how do I save the result?
When I run cmd('file-save') I'm getting an error ("Open Temp File frost_unrolled.mscz.temp failed: Bad file descriptor").
How do I "save as" ? There is cmd('file-save-as') but how do I pass a parameter?
Too many questions and no guarantee it's going to work on the server.

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