Issues with Syncing a Score with a Youtube Video

• Jul 14, 2022 - 13:51


I am currently trying to sync a score uploaded to the website with a youtube video I created and have attempted various ways to do so. The score in question is this one:

Using the "Manage audio sources" feature, I have linked the score to the video in question and both attempted to:

1) set the transitions from bar to bar myself with the M key;
2) automatically sync the video with the score using the "Load Score Markers" feature.

While I couldn't find out how to sync the various transitions manually with the audio - the piece repeats in the latter half and then progresses into a conclusion, which I couldn't visualise in the movements from bar to bar -, the "Load Score Markers" feature seems to do the job perfectly: all the transitions now line up precisely with the audio of the video.

The problem is this: the audio used when playing the score is still unchanged and that of the basic musescore soundfonts - synced perfectly or not, the audio of the video is just not being played.

I don't understand this and would be very grateful for some help. The screenshot below shows what the site is currently presenting to me - I don't see any obvious issue.

Thank you for your time.

Attachment Size
Screenshot (107).png 171.83 KB


Since your question is about the score sharing website, you'd need to go over there to that site to get good help with this. Try the "Improving" group, or the Support link at the bottom of any page there.

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