Staff Text Line default settings

• Aug 20, 2022 - 17:33

Hello. I'm wondering id there is any chance to set the default settings for this Line (like style, thickness), so I won't need to edit this every time I use the tool.





In reply to by rolodoom

Thanks for the video! But I'm a little confused, looks like you customized the line type but not it's thickness, at least, not when you added to the palette.

Anyhow, I think what you are seeing here has nothing to do with custom paelttes, it's a general issue even with the default line when adding to a score with a smaller-than-default staff size. The line thickness gets scaled so that it's the same "absolutely" thickness instead of the same "relative" thickness as in a standard-sized score.

There are a number of other similar issues involving mismatches between line thickness and scaling, but I'm not seeing 8ezactly* this reported already. And it still seems wrong in current builds of MuseScore 4. So I recommend reporting this on GitHub. no need to mention the custom palette (that wasn't even working until a few hours ago!) - just use any line from the Lines palette.

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