Drum Input and Piano Voice

• Aug 21, 2022 - 16:09

If I add a drum track to my muse score everything works.
I can hear all instruments in their proper voice.

My only issue is that now the Piano only plays drums.
I've tried selecting things, looked for other forum threads regarding this but can't find anything.

I want to hear whatever instrument I am modifying when I play it on the piano.



You wrote:
I want to hear whatever instrument I am modifying when I play it on the piano.

By "play it on the piano" do you mean you are using a MIDI keyboard?
or maybe the virtual piano keyboard?

You wrote:
My only issue is that now the Piano only plays drums.

Is this during score playback, or during note entry?

You wrote:
I've tried selecting things...

That's very vague.
If bobjp's response above does not help, please attach the score and precisely explain your situation.

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