CC1 and CC11 "flatlines" after midi export

• Aug 21, 2022 - 19:49

Hi there,

When i export score to midi. i use the synthesizer to change the dynamics to CC1, because the vst i use in my daw uses CC1, and CC11, and the develepor of the vst recommends CC1.

Normally the mapping is perfect, but for some reason it does not work anymore.
When i import the midi file to my daw, its just flat. Dont know how to better explain it, but take a look at the picture. CC1 is flat, but CC2, or as my daw calls it velocity, is vibrant.

Does anyone have any idea why it does this? and maybe how to correct it?

OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
Arch.: x86_64
MuseScore version (64-bit):
revision: 3224f34


Attachment Size
2022-08-21 20_39_00-Window.png 280.72 KB


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