snap dumps core on ubuntu 22.04

• Sep 7, 2022 - 14:20


The snap version from (latest/stable 3.6.2) dumps core on Ubuntu 22.04 when started. (the instructions tell to manually connect some plugs, including "network-manager", but the actual connection name is just "network"). The log is attached.

The latest appimage works fine.

Attachment Size
mscore-log.txt 13.81 KB


PS: Spoke too soon about the latest appimage - that one gets transient "application not responding" dialog every 5 seconds.

Don't use it then. Or at least don't complain here ;-)

The only supported version for Linux is the AppImage from the download page if this site here

The snap version is created, maintained, and presumably supported by a third party; you'd have to contact them about any issues that are specific to their builds

The official build we create, maintain, and support here is the AppImage you can download directly from this site (see Download menu above). If you encounter an issue with that, please followup here.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

For the latest appimage - MuseScore- - the system shows transient "MuseScore3 is not responding" dialog a few seconds after almost any action (opening a file, selecting a note, etc). The dialog can be dismissed with "Wait" or you can just literally wait a few seconds and the dialog goes away by itself. Then the cycle repeats.

In reply to by jeetee

Yes, it's most likely the Wayland specific issue - we had vaguely similar issues on Wayland with the project at $dayjob. Unfortunately I cannot use the workaround of switching to the old X11 server b/c I need to be on Wayland.

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