Placing Lyrics without the notation

• Oct 10, 2022 - 02:20

I would like to have the lyrics showing with the Bass Tabs (and/or notation) but because the bass line doesn't follow the melody line I can't place them correctly.
The placement doesn't have to be precise because I'm using it as a guide but I o need it better than I'm getting at the moment.
I have attached two snips to help explain. one shows where the lyrics would be placed when linked to that notation and the other shows where i is placed when trying to only have the bass line.
Is there a way around this please?


Option 1: Copy in the rhythm in a different voice, then mark it invisible
Option 2: Add an additional single line staff, mark all notes invisible and staff lines and barlines etc, keeping only the lyrics visible.
Option 3: Use Staff Texts, which don't affect the spacing of your tab score.

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